Yes, today may not be the day for answers but to finally let your heart
break open to the vastness of the question. ~ Matt Licata

As language’s invitation to mystery, questions offer a powerful gateway to gratefulness. With this generative capacity in mind, we at A Network for Grateful Living offer the Daily Question as a catalyst and a sanctuary for the practice of inquiry – a key aspect of the practice of gratefulness.

The value of contemplative practice seems so inherent, so essential that it’s hardly a surprise. Socrates taught by asking questions. Of course – the answers lie within. And the answers lead only to further questions. Questions precede any hypothesis and feed creativity. “What if?” Such power! The charge of the query spurs both thought and action: We wonder,we discover, we innovate, we advocate. 

When we hold a question, we allow ourselves to languish in uncertainty and entertain possibility. We welcome the opportunity to reflect on, as in the surface of water, the blurry self and surrounding world we find mirrored back.

When we return to the magic and mystery of inquiry again and again, we open ourselves to confusion, discomfort, insight, and awe. We surrender to the possibility of not knowing, of no answer, of many truths. How do we feel in this space – this matrix of tensions, confessions, and affirmations? How do we call ourselves forth through these conscious admissions of being human?

Here you might discover ways of thinking and being you couldn’t have imagined alone, where reflections are layered like oil on canvas, every thought a necessary stroke distinct unto itself and blending with others to serve an ever-evolving answer.

Every day, our Daily Question offers space to explore the great potential of expansion that comes with this practice. Consider the questions in solitary thought, then stretch the practice. How does it feel to spend some time journaling a response, rather than merely thinking it?

Further, try participating in our Daily Question forum, an online community where the breadth of feeling and discovery that comes with mindful inquiry is shared. We encourage public responses in this forum as well as on our Facebook and Instagram pages, where the Daily Question is also posted. In these shared spaces of reflection, you might discover ways of thinking and being you couldn’t have imagined alone, where reflections are layered like oil on canvas; every thought a necessary stroke distinct unto itself and blending with others to serve an ever-evolving answer. Here your voice is witnessed and acknowledged as a valid and vital thread weaving together our collective ideas of what it means to be human, in this world, and of this universe. Come. Be curious. Be open. Be enchanted. Be heartened.

In the space below, please share perspective-enhancing and gratitude-uplifting questions that you might like to see featured on our site.

Note: Our Daily Question currently does not exist as an email subscription. We encourage you to bookmark the Practice Space link for convenient access on a daily basis.