…the secret recipe of abundance, is abundance leads to abundance, and nothing else will. We often think that we can use something else to get what we want…we can use effort or willpower and get abundance, but my experience shows me that you get more of whatever it is that you’re doing.
In the short (12:27) audio clip below, Jeff Carreira shares the “secret” of manifesting abundance:
Audio PlayerYou can live lack with a lot of money, just as well as you can live lack with just a little bit of money. You can live lack with any lifestyle you want.
In this (20:00) guided meditation, Jeff Carreira invites us to reflect upon what we are grateful for and that which is abundant in our lives:
Audio PlayerQuestions for Reflection:
- What are you passionate about?
- To what extent is your passion the center of your life? Consider all domains–your career, your spiritual life, your primary relationships, etc.
- What fears arise when you think about making your life about your passion?
- What possibilities open up when you create space for your passion?
Please share your reflections below.
Jeff Carreira is a mystical philosopher, spiritual guide, teacher, writer and lecturer. If you ask Jeff what he is most excited about he will reply without hesitation—“cultivating the conditions for the emergence of a new paradigm by supporting as many individuals as possible to articulate their deepest realization of truth.” The 12-minute audio clip was edited from Manifesting Abundance a workshop given by Jeff Carreira and Susan Kullman in June, 2018 at the Aligned Center in Irvington, NY. To learn more, visit: jeffcarreira.com.
It is very good to see and hear Jeff Casrreira here at Gratefulness.
There are so , many teacher and books out on the market which entice, but under carful examination it can be seen as “egoism” going around in circles and not address the Truth that we (Humans) have always had and will every well need….. as said in Luke 12:27 Consider how the lilies grow ” and Rumi’s .”move outside the tangle of fear thinking…” and note too that the Greek origin of english word “ecstasy” extasosis …meaning “standing beside” ones self.
Jeff does great job of condensing “FLOW” in the context which positive psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi initiated back in 1975 but which but is very slow to take effect in the Western world.
Great word Jeff, and on a closing note, what you are recommending is what and and fellow Researchers of Truth (DASKALOS)refer to as “Meditation” ( which is noting like the methods of meditation taught by eastern methods …sitting and doing nothing for long periods of time) for us it is “focused attention without tension”. aka “getting in the WAY by getting out of its way”.
I hope you continue to do Abundantly well as you encourage others to do the same.
Be Well Be Present
PS If you haven’t been on TED talks yet ..I am going to recommend they get you on soon! Csíkszentmihas had close to 5 million views for his TED talk……… so you should achieve 10 million easily!
This is wonderful, so helpful! Love the guided meditation! Thank-you! I am SO abundantly blessed!!!
Peace and blessings to all, Sheila?