As a poetry neophyte, I have been inspired and encouraged in this course to pursue poetry as an “anam cara” – a soul friend, who understands, empathizes, commiserates, and invites me to be open to all my emotions, and to recognize especially that fragility and vulnerability are not only OK, but the way we grow. ~ S.B., an eCourse participant

As we acknowledge in our Poem a Month invitation, it has become clear to us that our world might be well-served by more of us engaging with poetry. Poems are wise and timeless tools that can support us in living gratefully. They cultivate perspective, insight, resilience, and awe amidst the full range of human experience – from suffering to ecstasy. In the sacred space of poetry, we may cherish what we’re given, who we are, and who we might become.

Go down
to that pool in you
of weedless water —

the place of knowing.

~ From “Going Deeper,” by Anne Powell

Veteran poet-storyteller Dale Biron invites us to delve into the depth of this place in a program that invites us to use poetry in new ways.

  • How can poetry help us celebrate the stunning beauty of the world and remember the joys we have forgotten?
  • How can poems heal and connect us even in the most difficult and fierce circumstances of our lives?
  • How can we bring poetry and gratefulness into our lives as supportive and trustworthy practices?

Please join us in exploring these questions, and many more, in A Fierce and Enduring Gratitude: How Poetry Supports Us in Good Times and Bad, a five-session on-demand eCourse with which you can engage at your leisure.

Course Details:

The eCourse contains five sessions. Each session includes:

  • A 5 – 8 minute video clip from a seminar given by Dale Biron
  • Full transcript of the video clip
  • Featured poem
  • Questions for reflection and discussion
  • Suggested practices

This Program is Designed to:

  • help you discover the power of poetry to support a grateful living practice.
  • help you connect with what is most stunningly beautiful in the world, yourself, and others.
  • help you discover how specific poems are suited to each of the three core types of gratitude practice.
  • offer Grateful Living practices that are as simple and fast as they are effective antidotes to stress and alienation.
  • offer ways to re-frame life’s greatest challenges as opportunities to shift, change, and heal yourself and the world.
  • invite you to use poetry in fresh new ways to plumb your own heart, mind and soul.

I think of this course as a kind of sacred intersection between poetry and grateful living…The poems we most need for our Gratefulness Poetry First Aid Kit are short, surprising and soul-sustaining.  ~ Dale Biron

This eCourse is offered on a sliding scale starting at just $20.

