News & Announcements

Grateful Gifts: Help Us Grow a Grateful World

by The Grateful Living Team
In a world where uncertainty and fear surround us every day, living gratefully reminds us…
News & Announcements

Happy 94th Birthday to Brother David!

by The Grateful Living Team
Each year on the occasion of his birth, we celebrate the man who is the…
News & Announcements

Grateful Living Resources: A Pandemic Care Package

by The Grateful Living Team
“As life becomes harder and more threatening, it also becomes richer, because the fewer expectations we…
News & Announcements

Gathering Gratefully in the Time of the Coronavirus

by The Grateful Living Team
"Between the dark sky and the dark earth we hang a light in a dark…
News & Announcements

Gratefulness as Support: Community Voices

by The Grateful Living Community
How are you finding gratefulness a source of support during this challenging time? This is…
News & Announcements

Living Gratefully in the Time of Coronavirus

by The Grateful Living Team
“As life becomes harder and more threatening, it also becomes richer, because the fewer expectations…
News & Announcements

A Year of Gratefulness Gatherings

by The Grateful Living Team
I think these gatherings have provided hope to people by helping them to recognize there…
News & Announcements

Br. David’s German-Language Library

by The Grateful Living Team
Thanks to the diligent work and full-hearted commitment of Klaudia Menzi-Steinberger as well as the…
News & Announcements

Light in Darkness: A Letter from Br. David

by Br. David Steindl-Rast, OSB
+ Dear Friends, Once again, the time of year has come around, when the different…
seagulls flying over shoreline at sunset
News & Announcements

The Opportunity Before Us

by The Grateful Living Team
How can we feel fully alive -- in spite and in service of the changing…
News & Announcements

Br. David Meets Pope Francis

by Br. David Steindl-Rast, OSB
This was my chance to call the Pope’s attention to whatever seemed most important to…
News & Announcements

Sustaining the Heart of Gratefulness

by The Grateful Living Team
Grateful living offers guideposts and touchstones to help fill our moments with greater presence, resilience, engagement, joy,…
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