Stories of Grateful Living

Moving Past Resentment to Grateful Living

by Dr. Kerry Howells
"The deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated." ~ William James…

How Can Our Gratitude Contribute to World Peace?

by Dr. Kerry Howells
Every day we witness the brutality of war and atrocity, and can feel hopeless or…

How Gratitude Can Help When We Feel Too Busy

by Dr. Kerry Howells
Many of us live in a state of anxiety as we try to manage the…
Stories of Grateful Living

Gratitude to Self

by Dr. Kerry Howells
If our thoughts and actions towards others are toxic and hurtful, this actually impacts negatively…
classroom of happy children

How Can We Practice Gratitude in Education?

by Dr. Kerry Howells
A practice deepens our gratitude because it moves us from the sense of being grateful…
students girls

Gratitude in Education: A Radical View

by Dr. Kerry Howells
Excerpts from the introduction of Howell's book - the first comprehensive text that is solely…

Dr. Kerry Howells

About the author

Dr Kerry Howells is an author, award-winning educator and experienced researcher. She has spent over 25 years researching, teaching and practicing gratitude. She has published several academic papers that report on her findings regarding the important role of gratitude in school leadership and teaching, pre-service teacher education, indigenous education, early childhood education, elite athlete coaching, and academic learning. She is the author of Gratitude in Education: A Radical View and Untangling you: How can I be grateful when I feel so resentful?.